Professional Vegetation Management & Forestry

Forestry, utilities, highway maintenance departments and other professionals responsible for vegetation management have an obligation to their customers and the general public to use the least disruptive, most resource-friendly and economical methods possible to control undesirable and potentially hazardous vegetation.

Used properly, BASF herbicides provide a more effective, fully integrated, and more environmentally responsible approach to managing vegetation than mowing and other mechanical means alone.

Whether your specific area of need is forestry, airport, aquatic, industrial bareground, invasive/noxious, railroad, roadside, utility or western rangeland, BASF offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions to meet your needs.


Support healthy pine forest growth for the life of your stand from site preparation and herbaceous weed control through early release and mid-rotation.

Industrial Vegetation Management

Manage undesirable and potentially hazardous vegetation to deliver reliable weed control on roadsides, airport, utility and other industrial landscapes.


Forestland Management

Forestry Almanac: The Value of an Expert